The governing body reviews academic performance across the school on a regular basis. We use a variety of measures to provide assurance that pupils are making expected or better progress.
Analysis in a small school is difficult, as natural variation in the academic profile of a year can skew our results, and we see this with our year six SATs results which vary considerably each year.
The attainment of every pupil is rigorously tracked across their time at Goodleigh – this is an essential part of the process of tailoring education to specific needs. This gives us the opportunity to question whether all pupils, regardless of SATs expectations, are making good or outstanding progress in their education from their individual starting points. We are a highly inclusive school and we are proud of the outcomes for all children, including those with special educational needs and disabilities.
Using SATs results to provide assurance on teacher assessment:
Although SATs results cannot be used reliably to assess attainment in a small school, they can be used to ensure that teacher assessments are in agreement with an external assessment; it is important that we can be assured that internal teacher assessment is robust.
The government have directed schools to continue to display their most recent key stage 2 performance measures, as published by the Secretary of State. For our school, these are the performance measures published for the 2018 to 2019 academic year.
What do the scaled scores mean?
Each child’s raw score in the test (31/50 in the reading test, for example) is turned into a scaled score, based on making comparisons with the other children across the country who took the same test. The scaled scores are centred around 100.
That means that:
In 2022 to 2023 pupils needed 24 marks out of 50 to reach the expected standard in reading, 56 out of 110 in mathematics and 36 out of 70 for spelling, punctuation and grammar.
For more information on scaled scores please see the Department for Education.
2022 to 2023 KS2 results:
The average progress scores were:
The average ‘scaled scores’ of the tests were:
50% of pupils who accessed the tests achieved the expected standard or above in reading, writing and mathematics. 83% of pupils without special educational needs achieved the expected standard or above in reading, writing and mathematics.
90% of pupils who accessed the reading test achieved the expected standard or above. Of those pupils 44% achieved the higher level of attainment.
60% of pupils who accessed the mathematics test achieved the expected standard or above.
60% of pupils who accessed the spelling, punctuation and grammar test achieved the expected standard or above. Of those pupils 50% achieved the higher level of attainment.
As there is no test for English writing, this is reported as a teacher assessment judgement. 60% of pupils achieved the expected standard or above. Of those pupils 50% achieved the higher level of attainment.
“I think Goodleigh School is an inspiring place to learn with all the school trips, the plays and fun lessons.”
Goodleigh Pupil