
BBC Ten Pieces

You will find weekly activities for primary schools, home educators and parents to share with their students. Each includes a Ten Pieces film to watch and enjoy and a linked creative activity that can be completed by children at home without any special materials or preparation. A perfect, simple and easy way to keep listening, enjoying and creating music at this time.

Ten Pieces at Home

Beat Goes On

Ollie Tunmer is offering daily body percussion sessions on YouTube. These will be lots of fun!

The Royal Albert Hall

Discover the wonderful world of the orchestra, stream special performances made for children, enjoy storytelling videos, fun activities, and learn how music can help teach you maths and science!

Explore content from the Education & Outreach team.

The Royal Opera House

The Royal Opera House are offering opportunities to stream ballets and operas from your home. They also have an educational section on their website.

Sing Up
This is a resource for schools, however Sing Up have opened up a section for parents. Children really do love singing-let us know how you get on at home singing together!